Peer-Reviewed Publications
2018 - current
Scheiber, C. & Singer, J. (2022). An intelligent Approach to IQ and Achievement Test Creation – Dr. Alan Kaufman in F. K. Reisman (Ed.). Celebrating Giants and Trailblazers: A-Z of Who’s Who in Creativity Research and Related Fields. Leeds, England, United Kingdom: Corporate Document Services.
Palesh, O, Scheiber C, Kesler SR, Janelsins MM, Heckler CE, Guido JG, Gevirtz R, Cases M, Morrow G, & Mustian KM (2019). Secondary Outcomes of a Behavioral Sleep Intervention in Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Health Psychology.
Palesh, O, Scheiber C, Kesler SR, Janelsins MM, Heckler CE, Guido JG, Heckler C, Cases M, Miller JM, Chrysson NG, & Mustian KM (2018). Feasibility and Acceptability of brief Behavioral Therapy for Cancer-Related Insomnia (BBT-CI): Effects on Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm During Chemotherapy – Phase II Randomized Multicenter Control Trial. British Journal of Cancer. 119, 274-281.
Scheiber C, Johnston L, Packer MM, Gevirtz R, Edwards KS, & Palesh O. (2018). Heart rate variability markers as potential correlates of survival in hematopoietic cell transplant patients. Oncology Nursing Forum. 45(2), 250-259.
Palesh O*, Scheiber C*[1], Kesler SR, Mustian KM, Koopman C, & Schapira L. (2018). Management of side effects during and post treatment in breast cancer survivors. The Breast Journal.
[1] Shared first authorship
Kamen, C, Scheiber C, Janelsins MM, Jo B, Shen H, & Palesh O. (2017). Effects of childhood trauma exposure and cortisol levels on cognitive functioning among breast cancer survivors. Child Abuse & Neglect. 72, 163-171.
Scheiber C (2017). The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test – Second Edition (KBIT-2). In SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Scheiber C & Wollman SC. (2017). Substance/medication induced neurocognitive disorders. In SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Scheiber C (2016). Do the Kaufman tests of cognitive ability and academic achievement display construct bias across a representative sample of Black, Hispanic, and Caucasian school-age children in Grade 1 through 12? Psychological Assessment, 28(8), 942-952
Scheiber C (2016). Does the KABC-II display ethnic bias in the prediction of reading, math, and writing in elementary school through high school? Assessment, 6(1), 1073-1911.
Scheiber C (2016) Is the Cattell-Horn-Carroll based factor structure of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V) construct invariant for a representative sample of African-American, Hispanic, and Caucasian male and female students ages 6 to 16 years? Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology, 2(3-4), 79-88.
Scheiber C, Chen H, Kaufman AS, & Weiss LG. (2016). How much does WAIS-IV perceptual reasoning decline across the 20-90-year lifespan when processing speed is controlled? Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. 14, 1-16.
Kaufman AS, Salthouse TA, Scheiber C, & Chen H. (2016). Age differences and educational attainment across the lifespan on three generations of Wechsler adult scales. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34(5), 421-441.
Montross Thomas LP, Scheiber C, Meier EA, & Irwin SA. (2016). Personally meaningful rituals: A way to increase compassion and decrease burnout among hospice staff and volunteers. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 19(10), 1043-1050.
Meier EA, Scheiber C, & Montross Thomas LP. (2016). Moving towards a field of palliative psychology. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 19(4), 351.
Scheiber C & Kaufman AS. (2015). Which of the three KABC-II global scores is the least biased? Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology, 1(4), 21-35.
Reynolds MR, Scheiber C, Hajovsky DB, Schwartz B, & Kaufman, A.S. (2015). Gender differences in academic achievement: Is writing an exception to the gender similarities hypothesis? Journal of Genetic Psychology. 176(4), 211-234.
Scheiber C, Reynolds MR, Hajovsky D, & Kaufman AS. (2015). Gender differences in achievement in a large, nationally-representative sample of children and adolescents. Psychology in the Schools. 52(4), 335-348.
Scheiber C (2015). The gift of connection: A personal reflection on my work with cancer patients. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 18(7), 1-2.
Scheiber C (2015.). A personal reflection on my experiences as an international psychology graduate student. The San Diego Psychologist, 30(4), 28-29.